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Laptop vs. Desktop [Which one should you buy?]

In days past, choosing the best computer technology was often an exercise of frustrating tradeoffs—would you rather have more battery life or lower cost, a larger screen, or greater portability? Today, choosing between laptop vs. desktop has shifted from settling for less to maximizing your choices: With continual improvement in technology, and more options than ever, you can choose the perfect computer that fits your individual needs. Like everything else in computing, the right choice depends on how you're going to use the device. The general division between the two classes of computers goes like this:

  • A desktop PC is a static, stationary computer that will stay on a desk in an office or bedroom. It usually consists of various parts: a tower, a monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse. PCs are generally more customizable than laptops as well. You can put together top-of-the-line parts for every aspect of the PC when you choose a desktop computer, whereas your choices are more limited with a laptop.

  • A laptop (also called a notebook) is a portable, all-in-one device that usually has USB inputs on the sides for optional peripherals. Laptops have a built-in screen, a built-in keyboard, a trackpad that acts as a mouse, and can vary in size. Laptops are generally limited by their size but many modern batteries are big enough to provide 12 or more hours of power before needing to recharge.

The argument for a laptop

A laptop is the best option for students who are going to school outside of the home every day, and need a computer for classes.

While laptops are more delicate than desktop PCs, you can now find rugged laptops that will take a fall or two without being destroyed.

Laptops are best used for light work: reading, word processing, streaming videos, or using social media. If you or your child wants to have freedom to roam while using a computer, a fully charged laptop should last an entire day for working or learning.

We've put together a list of the best laptops for students, and the best laptops for kids.

The argument for a desktop PC

If you want a computer with a lot of versatility, a desktop PC is for you. Desktops can store huge files and run games with high quality graphics easily. Desktops can also be changed to fit your needs.

You can add more storage, RAM, and a better graphics card to improve your computing experience. Desktop PCs also do not run on a battery, so you can use them for longer without stopping to plug in and recharge.

You cannot easily transport a desktop computer to a school, and setting it up at your student's desk at school would be a nightmare.

Desktop PCs are great for a home-schooled or distancing-learning scenario. A desktop computer can be used during the school day for learning and word processing, and during off-hours for gaming and entertainment.

There are also all-in-one PCs, which are stylish devices where their components are built behind the screen. This means they are easier to move and set up, as you don't need to connect as many wires, and they take up less space on the desk as well. However, they are also more expensive, and not as easy to upgrade as normal desktop PCs.

The best buy

If a desktop PC and a laptop have the same specifications, the general rule is the laptop will be more expensive. Top-of-the-line laptops generally have higher price points than desktop PCs and they also have all of the limitations listed above. High-end laptops are still a great investment because they can be used for gaming and streaming in addition to schoolwork.

A top-of-the-line desktop can be used more often by a distance-learning student, with a lower up-front cost for parents. Eventually, upgrading the PC can be a time-consuming and expensive process, but the initial out-of-pocket costs don't have to be sky-high.

Upgrading an old desktop PC

If your current desktop computer is over three years old, it may be more work than it's worth to try to source the parts needed to upgrade. Regardless, the key things to upgrade are always going to be the memory, CPU, hard drive, and graphics card. If you upgrade the processor, you'll need to also upgrade the other parts so they'll be able to keep up.

Buying a pre-made desktop PC

One way to get around the expense and trouble of upgrading an old computer is to buy a new, pre-made desktop PC.

High-end pre-made desktops are usually more expensive than buying the individual parts and putting them together yourself, but they usually also come with a generous warranty. Pre-made computers will also come with some software installed, like Windows 10, so you can just plug in the computer and begin using it right away.

That said, putting together a PC is fairly straightforward, and there are many guides to putting together a computer can be found online. Check out our guide on how to build a PC for more advice on building or upgrading your desktop PC.

If you still aren't sure you can put together the computer yourself, you can always hire someone to do it for you. You may still save money over buying a top-of-the-line pre-made PC or laptop.


Laptops will usually come with an OS (operating system) already installed. Current generation laptops and pre-made desktops will have Windows 10 pre-installed. Some laptops and desktops may also have anti-virus applications, word processing applications and games installed as well.

In the end, buying a computer for your student isn't hard as long as you understand their needs. If they need to go to school every day and have a computer at their school desk, a laptop is sufficient.

If they are studying at home and also want to be able to play games, stream, and edit YouTube videos, a desktop PC is your best bet. Both options come with their set of setbacks and advantages, but either one will work well for your student.



Pros :

  1. Mobility – The main advantage of a laptop, as compared with a stationary computer, is its mobility. The lightweight, compact size, the built-in battery within the laptop allowing it to simply move from one place to a different one. Many models are often worn in the least times, utilized in a park, cafe, or carted during a car.

  2. Finished product – The laptop is straightforward to use with none additional devices. It’s everything like its own keyboard, built-in mouse (touchpad), built-in speakers, built-in microphone, many laptops have a built-in camera.

  3. Internet access – Internet access is the second advantage for the increase in demand for the laptop because it provides the power to access the web through wireless technology Wi-Fi.

  4. Offline operation – The laptop is additionally convenient to use for all types of presentations. In this case, you are doing not dependent upon the technical equipment of the venue. As the laptop can work offline from its battery so no need to connect from the mains.

  5. Instant – Usually carrying a laptop means your ticket to instant access to information, be it personal or professional. It results in better collaboration between co-workers or students.

Cons :

  1. Frequent Upgrades – The laptops are difficult to upgrade thanks to their integrated design. The sole parts which will be upgraded are hard disc and memory as these are the sole parts that are accessible to the user. It’s very difficult to repair it. As every laptop has its own proprietary design and construction, they’re difficult to upgrade. Additionally, they need a high maintenance cost too.

  2. Higher price – The laptops are costly as compared to PC, because the smaller components required by the laptop come costly.

  3. Difficulty in customization – The laptop doesn’t offer an option for personalization consistent with one’s requirements. The laptop only gives access to the computer’s memory and disk drive. The opposite components like processors, graphics cards, and cooling systems aren’t easy to access and replace. So, when one among the laptop’s non-customization components becomes obsolete then you’ll need to buy a replacement laptop to stay up with the technology.

  4. Highly insecure – The laptops are generally stolen thanks to their heavy cost. The thieves may misuse the stolen business data or personal data which will convince be very dangerous. Hence, both the physical protection of laptops and the safeguarding of knowledge are very important.

  5. Durability – Thanks to their high portability laptops are subject to more wear and tear. Laptop components like screen hinges, latches, and power jacks are susceptible to deteriorate gradually thanks to ordinary use.



  1. Easy to configure – Desktops can be easily configured according to the requirements of the users and the process of it is also easier than the other types of computers. The users can configure every component or peripheral of any desktop that means he can choose the processor, storage, Ram capacity and other considerations according to his budget and need.

  2. Pocket friendly – Desktop computers are the most affordable computer available on the market. They are cheaper than a laptop, tower PC or AIO devices.The individual price of the components of desktop is also cheaper than the rest. By spending the same amount of money a buyer can get a better-configured desktop than a laptop or AIO or tower PC.

  3. Upgradability – The most useful feature of a desktop is that they are easily upgradable. The users can increase the storage or Ram capacity separately of a desktop after a long time from purchasing. Even he can completely modify the device by changing the motherboard, processor, and other peripheral and can put a new wine in old bottle. One can easily get more options for upgradability in the desktop rather than a laptop or other computer devices.

  4. Easy to repair – One of the most useful features of a desktop system is its easy repairing facility. The repairing process of a desktop is so easy that a beginner can also do it with some basic knowledge or with the help of YouTube. But for repairing other computers, one needs an expert.

  5. High specification hardware – By investing an equal amount of money one can configure a more updated and more powerful desktop. On the other hand, the same processor of a desktop is more powerful than a laptop or other PCs. The users can make the product as powerful as he wants by providing higher specified components in it. The more updated component he will put in it, the more powerful performance he will get.

  6. More life – A desktop computer can serve for a long time with some minor modification. But the lasting ability of the other types of computer is less than a desktop. That is mainly because the up-gradation process of desktop is easier than the rest.


  1. Not portable – One of the major disadvantages of a desktop is that one cannot use in a transport or cannot carry it from place to place. It has to be fixed on a table and every time one wants to use it he has to take a seat in front of the table. Unavailability of mobility is the major disadvantage of the desktop computers.

  2. Noisy – Another disadvantage of a desktop is that they are noisier than the other types of computers. The reason behind it is the cooling fans. Powerful configuration requires great cooling ability. For which one has to attach multiple cooling fans in a desktop. Although, liquid cooling is also introduced in recent times but they are very costly.

  3. Consumes more space – A desktop computer consumes more space than an AIO or laptop. Desktop computer system contains separate monitor, cabinet, mouse, keyboard, UPS and other peripherals. So, it needs more space to get operated. In a clumsy commercial place, it is better to avoid a desktop system.

  4. Plenty of power supply point – A desktop comes with separate peripherals and each of them requires separate power supply point. For providing a stable power connection the user has to build or buy a good multi-socket power board with individual fuse or MCB. On the other hand, a laptop or other types of computers needs less number of supply points.

  5. Consumes more power – A desktop consumes more power than a laptop. A desktop comes with separate peripherals and each of them needs separate power supply. So, a desktop computer system consumes more electricity than most of the other types of computers. To tackle a certain power cut, the desktop should always be connected with a UPS to provide a flawless and stable performance for a long period.

  6. External peripheral – To operate a desktop external monitor, keyboard, mouse is needed. But in a laptop all peripherals are compressed in a single product. The AIO devices don’t have the cabinet portion. It only needs an external keyboard and mouse. But in a desktop, all of the peripherals are externally connected. So they consume more space. On the other hand, they can be separated very quickly.

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